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Bring the Snapchat mobile app directly to your desktop PC with this new Windows download

Bring the Snapchat mobile app directly to your desktop PC with this new Windows download

Vote: (96 votes)

Program license: Free

Developer: Snap Inc.

Version: 1.21.0

Works under: Windows

Also available for Android Mac


Program license

(96 votes)




Snap Inc.


Works under:

Also available for


Android Mac


  • Can work on virtually any video broadcasting service, allowing you to use Snapchat's lenses anywhere.
  • Allows you to use over 1,000 lenses, ensuring that no two recordings are ever the same.
  • The extension is great for use for kids or adults.
  • The app is free.
  • It allows for a wide amount of creativity and can really add spice and entertainment to your videos or live streams.


  • The download operates completely separate from Snapchat, so you can't record anything you use and then upload it to the app.
  • At the moment, there is no mobile-friendly version.

Snap Camera is a fun app that allows you to bring Snapchat's lenses to regular video conferencing. If you love Snapchat and its lenses, this app is absolutely perfect for you.

The app essentially runs as an overlay to video chats or live streaming that you operate. So, once you download and install it, you can use it on any service. After downloading, you can select the various Snap Lenses and apply them to your face. There are over a thousand Lenses you can choose from, so there's a wide array of products that you can experiment with and enjoy.

Thankfully, since the program is so stripped down, it is extremely easy to use. This means it is perfect for kids or adults - after all, Snapchat's lenses have become very popular for kids to sit around and play with.

The app is still relatively new, meaning that it is still actively supported by its developers. There have been regular updates, so you can rest assured in knowing that the creators of the App are still actively working on it.

The app can be downloaded anywhere off of the internet, and there is no cost. The set-up is easy: You download the app, install it, and you are ready to go. The app is available for Windows or Mac, but not for any mobile device.


  • Can work on virtually any video broadcasting service, allowing you to use Snapchat's lenses anywhere.
  • Allows you to use over 1,000 lenses, ensuring that no two recordings are ever the same.
  • The extension is great for use for kids or adults.
  • The app is free.
  • It allows for a wide amount of creativity and can really add spice and entertainment to your videos or live streams.


  • The download operates completely separate from Snapchat, so you can't record anything you use and then upload it to the app.
  • At the moment, there is no mobile-friendly version.